Business Hours
Main BuildingLending Deparment/Children's Section |
Monday | closed |
Tuesday - Friday | 9-19 |
Saturday | 9-13 |
Reading room |
Tuesday, Thursday | 9-19 |
Wednesday, Friday | 9-15 |
The first and the third Saturdays of the month | 9-13 |
520008 Sfântu Gheorghe, Gábor Áron street, nr. 14 Covasna county, Romania |
Phone: +40 267 31 21 33 |
Branch Library |
Tuesday, Thursday | 12-19 |
Wednesday, Friday | 9-15 |
The first and the third Saturdays of the month | 9-13 |
520081 Sepsiszentgyörgy, Sport utca 15 szám, 21-es tömbház, C lépcsőház, 1-es ajtó Kovászna megye, Románia |
Phone: +40 267 31 19 27