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Terms of Use

The main aim of the Bod Péter County Library is to inspire confidence to visit for anyone who needs to read and/or to obtain cultural, professional and public interest information for their daily activities or for spending quality leisure time.

Our librarians have the obligation to respond politely, attentively and efficiently to the wishes and demands of the readers. They must ensure that they do not cause inconveniences to the library users, verbally or through their attitudes.

We ask all the library users to conform to the following rules so that librarians can perform their tasks and their customer service:

  • It is mandatory to treat all other library users, the librarians and the activities in the institution respectfully.
  • We ask you to hang all handbags bigger than an A4 sheet and your coats on the coat hangers available in every public section.
  • Food and (only) non-alcoholic drinks is only allowed on the ground floor lobby, where there is also a tea and coffee vending machine.
  • Smoking is only allowed in the premises indicated
  • In the interest of all library users, visiting the library is only allowed in adequate outfits which respect elementary hygiene norms. If the appearance of library users is lacking (inappropriate, dirty or flashy), the persons in question might be asked to leave the premises of the library.
  • If someone intentionally obstructs the activity of the librarians, respectively they behave aggressively and disrespectfully in relation to employees and users, their user rights can be restricted or cancelled by the library's administration.
  • If someone purposefully deteriorates or removes furniture, technical equipment or documents from the library, the administration of the library can prohibit the use of the library of the person in question.
  • Disrupting the peace and organisation of reading rooms through uproar, discussions or phone conversation is prohibited. Mobile phones must be switched off when entering the reading rooms.
  • Books belonging to the library users must be presented to the duty librarian at arrival!

Librarians have the right and the obligation to draw users' attention to respecting the library's terms of use. If drawing attention does not have any positive consequences, librarians can invite the person who broke the rules to leave the premises of the library, or, depending on the case, the administration of the library can cancel, temporarily or permanently, the library card.

The library visitors can address questions or possible complaints to the personnel from the public sections of the library, the reception and the head of the institution.

Thank you for supporting us so as we can offer you the best service!