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Lending for Home

Readers with permanent or temporary residence in Covasna county have the right to borrow six documents (book, CD, DVD) from the library.
Those library users who do not live in Covasna county, but study or work in Sf. Gheorghe can borrow two documents at once.

Lending periods:

- books: 10 working days
- audiobooks, CD, DVD: 5 working days

A day before the expiration of the loan period a warning email is sent to the library user.


On request, documents on loan can be reserved. At the return of the documents, the librarians will inform the interested persons by e-mail.
The reserved documents remain on hold for ten working days.

Due date extension

The loan period of books can be extended two times consecutively – before the expiration of the due date – for another 10-10 working days through the phone (0267 312 133) or by e-mail ([email protected], [email protected]). The user is required to give their library card’s identification number.

The loan period of audiobooks, CDs and DVDs and of the reserved documents cannot be extended.

There is no possibility of extending the loan period if the library membership of the user had not been renewed.

For overdue documents, the users will be penalized.
The overdue fee is: document/day – 20 bani.

Lost or damaged books will have to be replaced with the same book by the users. Otherwise, they will have to pay 1-5x the inventory value of the book, recalculated after inflation.