Online login
User guide:
Login can be done at (on our library's virtual catalog page) or the LOGIN button from above.
Under "My account / Personal data" the following data should be entered:
- reader code (library card number, with M in front)
- password: to be requested from our librarians at [email protected] or in person (it can be changed later under "Personal data").
After logging in under "My account / Personal data":
1. the borrowed documents can be seen
2. the loan period can be extended
- a maximum of twice, for two weeks each
- no later than seven days before the loan period expires
- if the document is not reserved by another reader
3. reservations can be viewed and extended or canceled
4. view hold requests and holds made.
Under "My Account / Reader History" you can consult previously borrowed documents.
Under "Catalog" you can consult the search platform in our collection. By clicking on "Copies", you can consult the status of the document (available, on loan, etc.); here you can request a reservation or hold. Here you can also see which section the document is located in by consulting the "Collection" section.)
Documents from our Branch Library can only retrieved from the Branch Library location in Sporturilor Street.
Some of the documents in the Reading Room collection, i.e. those in the Legal Deposit ("DL") collection are not available for lending.